Social Media Week: Neal Schaffer on social media for NGO's and NPO's
19. februar 2014
Social Media has created enormous outreach opportunities for NGO's and NPO's in their fundraising efforts. But outreach does not necessarily equal increased money flow, says Neal Schaffer.
Instead of seing dollarsigns in Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, NGO's and NPO's needs to focus on building strong communities and a passionate group of fans. The rest will come later.
Neal Schaffer is a Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencer two years in a row. He is a leading social media speaker, and as a social media strategy consultant, he has worked with dozens of companies, from small startups to Fortune 500 enterprises.
Jyske Bank TV is covering Social Media Week in Copenhagen 17.-21. February 2014. Follow us on and on Twitter.
Instead of seing dollarsigns in Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, NGO's and NPO's needs to focus on building strong communities and a passionate group of fans. The rest will come later.
Neal Schaffer is a Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencer two years in a row. He is a leading social media speaker, and as a social media strategy consultant, he has worked with dozens of companies, from small startups to Fortune 500 enterprises.
Jyske Bank TV is covering Social Media Week in Copenhagen 17.-21. February 2014. Follow us on and on Twitter.
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