Childrens theatre a good investment
27. marts 2012
Danish childrens theatre is in demand all over the world. The Danish theatre Gruppe 38 travels around the world with its performances. The theatre played to crowded houses at the Sydney Opera House in Australia, on Broadway in New York and in Japan, Canada, Belgium and the UK.
The entire Danish culture area holds great export and growth potential, says Rasmus Tscherning who is managing director of The Center for Culture and Experience Economy which has published several reports showing how profitable culture can be to the Danish society.
According to the Minister for Culture Uffe Elbæk, the government focuses on developing the Danish culture export and particularly Danish childrens theatre is one of the secret success stories.
In May the festival Danish+ will shows foreign buyers the best performances of Danish childrens theatre right now.
And it is more focus and investment which are required if Denmark is to use the many opportunities hidden in the culture area.
Produced by: Helene Gottschalk, camera man/editor: Jesper Jakobsen
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