#CCDK: Who hates Ben and Jerry's?
3. april 2014
Jay Curley is Senior Global Marketing Manager for Ben and Jerry's. Which might lead one to believe he has the easiest job in the world. But, he says, Ben and Jerry's has its detractors, too. This becasue the Ice Cream maker has taken a stand on issues like homosexual marriage and social inequality for years.
With over 7 million facebook followers alone, the company has plenty of experience in managing online communities. In this interview, Jay and his colleague Mike Hayes, Assistant Digital Marketing Manager, talk about how Ben and Jerry's use social media and why it is so important for a company to be more social than a media.
With over 7 million facebook followers alone, the company has plenty of experience in managing online communities. In this interview, Jay and his colleague Mike Hayes, Assistant Digital Marketing Manager, talk about how Ben and Jerry's use social media and why it is so important for a company to be more social than a media.
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